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Cardioline CubeABPM

SKU 79084
Product Details

cubeabpm is the complete solution to manage Holter pressure tests (ABPM o MAPA).

cubeabpm combines all the typical procedures for the ABPM test in a single application: from recorder management to downloading the test to a PC and automatically archiving it, from automatic analysis and review to printing out the final document and exporting it in electronic format.

cubeabpm can operate as a single workstation, or the database can be shared with other networked cube workstations.

The main characteristics of cubeabpm are:

User Interface

cubeabpm makes the most of the graphic potential of Windows, guiding even inexpert users through the correct execution of all phases of the ABPM test. Using menus, dedicated keys and guided procedures, working with cubeabpm is extremely practical and fast.

cubeabpm consists of a several windows which can be used to monitor all program features at the same time: from simply displaying the trace in various formats to validating the automatic analysis and printing out the final document.

cubeabpm has five main windows, each designed to direct the attention of the operator to a particular aspect of the test:

  • the measurement page displays the test chronogram and related table for the heart rate and the systolic, diastolic and mean pressure values. The graphic appearance of the page can be modified from the control panel, changing the colours and the number of variables displayed on the screen.
  • the means page presents the mean values of the programme variables, presented in the form of chronograms and pie charts to indicate both the progression over time and the hour distribution of the values measured.
  • the statistics page offers all the statistical tools needed to analysise the test. Specifically, it presents three different sections, with variables histograms, test measurement classification according to the theoretical reference values (e.g. hypertension guidelines from the European hypertension society) and, finally, measurement dispersion graphs.
  • the comparison page allows two or more tests belonging to the same patient to be compared, synchronised using various criteria.
  • the mycube page is fully customisable by the user, and is therefore composed of graphs or tables selected freely from a list.
  • the report page allows the user to write conclusions, configure the final document for printing, or select one of the configurations saved in the system and the proceed to print out the document. The conclusions, like the indications and treatments, are equipped with a preformatted dictionary that can be used to speed up preparation of the final documents It is also possible to export the document to be printed out in electronic format, or to attach it automatically to an e-mail.

The principal feature of the measurements page is direct interaction with the pressure values: the change or cancel measurement functions are always available, and may be applied to individual measurements or to groups of measurements, as can the print preview and copy graph or table to notes functions. Changes may be made to the analysis using the mouse or dedicated keyboard keys.

To speed up writing of the final report, each window is also provided with a free text area which can automatically be included in the final conclusions of the printed document.

Use profile

The operator can choose to use all the displays available in cubeabpm or can select, to use only those that best meet his or her requirements and approach.

Automatic Analysis

The efficiency and performance of the analysis algorithms, together with the calculation power of the latest generation of PCs, guarantee the accuracy of the analysis and allow the program to perform analysis very quickly.

Automatic analysis is based on statistical calculations performed using the measurements made by the recorder, and presents this data in different graphic formats, according to the clinical aspect focussed on.

From the first time the test is opened, cubeabpm presents a complete and detailed report of the measurements made.

All the analysis, printout and display parameters can be customised and saved as system configurations, or a particular configuration can be defined for a single user

Saving tests

cubeabpm includes a dedicated database in which acquired tests can be saved and organised.

cubeabpm places the patient at the centre of the system, creating a virtual clinical record in which all the tests performed by cube workstations are automatically saved.

Managing tests

cubeabpm offers a system of predefined views of the database, accessed by dedicated icons on the toolbar: so the operator can quickly access the list of tests to report on, and read and sign each test. The program also includes a long term archiving function for the database, which allows tests that have already been analysed to be transferred to an external support (CD, DVD, etc.), maintaining the patient data and overall data on the archived test available online in the database.

cubeabpm also allows advanced searches to be made using the patient data, test or acquisition device as search parameters.

Management of test preparation and downloading procedures

cubeabpm offers innovative management of the procedures to prepare tests and download them to the PC. The operator can use guided procedures to successfully and efficiently prepare both the recorder and the downloading of the test to the PC, managing the patient data correctly, entering the indications and treatment, programming the duration of the test and the type of recording profile to be used.

Sharing the database with other cube stations

cubeabpm was designed with the capability to share its database with other cube workstations. This feature can be used to optimise work in a clinic or ward according to the specific clinical requirements of the individual physician. For example, workstations can be dedicated to downloading tests, and others to their analysis, or to the execution of different diagnostic techniques such as stress tests, Holter ECG and rest ECGs.

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Cardioline CubeABPM
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