Jones Medical Satellite3 Spirometer
Satellite3 Spirometer - separate (SA-3B)
The Satellite spirometer set the standard for physician office efficiency and ease-of-use and opened the doors to vast new testing environments in; hospital ER/bedside, clinical trials, occupational health screening, and pharmaceutical marketing and spirometry screening programs. The Satellite3 spirometer alone can be used with the Base Station or SmartPrintAPC software.
As important as spirometry is, if the spirometer you purchase is difficult to use or too time consuming to operate, you and your staff will not benefit from its potential. The intuitive operation of the Satellite and maintenance-free design provide simplicity and cost-effectiveness unavailable in other spirometry systems.
Ease of use:
Designed to enhance your productivity, the Satellite provides the fastest test speed available and includes a comprehensive spirometry interpretation on every report providing you with a more confident diagnosis
The cordless design of the handheld Satellite allows you to bring the spirometer to your patient rather than removing the patients from the exam room to bring them to a dedicated spirometer; adding patient comfort and greater office efficiency.
The best price/performance available: The patented Satellite mouthpiece is the least expensive disposable sensor available, saving your office hundreds each year by eliminating filters, tubing, and typical sterilization hassles.
Jones Medical has more spirometry experience than anybody else in the world. In fact our spirometers last longer than most spirometer companies. The accuracy and maintenance-free design of the Satellite will provide confident spirometry testing in your office, today and for years to come.
We can have you and your staff confidently providing spirometry in your office this week! We provide a product in-service and training for you and your staff by a certified Jones Medical distributor, at no additional cost!
2 year extended warranty available for $ 299