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USAMed Holter Analyzer Premier 11 Software

SKU 80893
Product Details


  • Holter Analysis for Arrhythmias, ST, Pauses, QT, Blocks
  • Heart Rate Variability with Spectral and Time Domain Analysis
  • Multi-Day Serial Atrial Fibrillation Analysis
  • QTc Validation Program
  • SAECG Late Potentials with Vectorcardiography
  • Pacemaker Analysis
  • 3 or 12-Lead ECG Strips
  • Color Coded Full-Disclosure and Coded-Print outs
  • Transferable to Electronic Patient Files
  • Windows XP and Vista Compatible


Premier has redefined diagnostic Holter ECG systems: the association of a new Holter ECG recording technology and multiple diagnostic tests never achieved in Holter ECG software prior to us! No additional hardware being required for the PC or the Printer, this new technology can be installed on any desktop or laptop that utilizes Windows XP or Vista.


Superior Holter processing begins with Premier... In less than 45 seconds the entire 24 hours of Holter ECG is transferred to the Hard Disk of the PC and analyzed. In addition to the now standard Full Disclosure, Arrhythmia, Blocks, ST, and Heart Rate analysis, Premier offers new cardiac diagnostic tests never yet provided in Holter ECG: (1) Time Domain and Spectral HRV analysis, with Lorenz & Poincaré plots, 3D Power Graphs, Medication Management, Sympathetic/Parasympathetic ratio and « Interbeat-Interval-Increment » percentages; (2) 12 Lead ST Validation with Histograms, Superimposition, Slope comparisons, 3D ST Graph; (3) new QT validation modules; (4) Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter Analysis ; and (5) Internet function for real time scanning or immediate transfer at a low cost for complete Holter recordings and reports, (6) T-Wave Alternans analysis, AND MORE. Numerous functions, either practical or for research purposes, make Premier the best technology available in Holter ECG analysis. And since modern technology is now fully integrated in software development, it is available at surprisingly very economical levels.


Multiple analysis methods include Spectral Analysis, Time Domain, Poincaré and 3D Power. Arrhythmias artifacts, and excess deviations of RR intervals are rejected. Interpolation techniques are used after rejection of arrhythmias and artifacts.


Whether using derived XYZ from 7-electrodes or traditional 12-Lead from 10 Electrodes, 3 and 12-Lead ECG strips can be printed from any time during the 48 hours Holter recording. The quantity of ECG strips generated is unlimited. An 8 seconds 12-Lead ECG strip covers a full A4 format page. 3 ECG strips of 3 Leads each are printed on one.

DMSoftware Premier Holter Software Comparisons:

Some of the features our Holter system offers (that we invite you to compare with any other Holter system on the market) are as follows:

Premier Software Comparisons Premier 11 Premier 12
Processing Software:
15-seconds for 24-Hour Multi-Parameter Analysis
Coded Full Disclosure Print-Outs
Full Disclosure at 1, 2, and 4 Hours per Page
Pacemaker Analysis
VE Template Editing
SVE Template Editing
Aberrant Beat Template Editing
Bradycardia and Bundle Branch Blocks
VE and SVE Bigeminy and Trigemiy Analysis
Pediatric Analysis
Retrospective and Prospective Modes
3 or 12-Lead ECG Strips from XYZ
Remote Internet Processing
Remote On-Line Internet Installation and Tutorial
Holter Analysis for Arrhythmias, ST, Pauses, and QT
Atrial Fibrillation Analysis and report
Heart Rate Variability: Time Domain & Frequency
SAECG Late Potentials
QTc Analysis and Validation
Windows XP and Vista Compatible

T-Wave Alternans
SAECG Late Potentials from any part of 24-Hour Holter
Event ECG Phone Transmissions and Reports
Event and Analysis ECG Phone Transmissions & Reports
12-Lead Holter Recordings Processing
12-Lead ST Analysis
12-Lead QT Analysis
QT-Dispersion from selected 12-Lead ECG Displays
ST Analysis with 3D Graph



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USAMed Holter Analyzer Premier 11 Software
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